I want to book you for an event. What do I do?

We like to provide a personal service when it comes to booking us. Whilst we can and do work through agencies, we like to add a personal touch as it makes for a better event. So we'd love to hear from you. If you have a particular date in mind, have a look at our availability checker. Also, for general queries and to give you an idea of what's involved, read our FAQ page.

By Phone

Pick up the phone and call Hansel, (third from the right on the homepage) who's available most of the time on 07961255962.

By email

Or you can email if you'd rather. We'll get back to you in a day or so.

Email Hansel@thegarageband.co.uk.

We look forward to hearing from you!

How long do you play and how many sets?
How much space do you need?
Do you need a stage, or any other equipment?
How long do you need to set up?
How much do you charge?
Can you DJ as well?
Another act is booked for the same night. Can you share equipment?
Do you do requests?
Can we borrow a microphone?
Are you insured?
Is your equipment PAT tested?
Do you need anything on the night?
Is there anything else we need to know?


How long do you play and how many sets?

We’re flexible. We are usually asked to do two sets with a break in between, although we can do one, two or three sets from up to two hours of material. It’s not an exact science, and we often find it’s best to ‘play it by ear’, as we can talk to you, DJs, caterers, managers etc. to get the best out of the night. Obviously, if it’s a more formal occasion then we’re happy to accommodate that too.

How much space do you need?

A minimum 18 feet wide by 10 feet deep - although more space is good, as we can put on a better show. Things like pillars in the way can cause a problem but we've had to squeeze in to some odd spaces and we'll make the best of any situation (within reason - there are 8 of us after all).

Do you need a stage, or any other equipment?

A stage is good, but we can happily set up on the floor if there’s enough room. If there is a small stage, we’ll often put the drummer on it and set the rest of us up in front.

We come fully-equipped with P.A. big enough for up to about 500 people (depending on the venue; less for a marquee), and lights for a small to medium stage.

If your venue has its own lights or PA you would rather we used, please contact us in advance to discuss technical requirements.

How long do you need to set up?

Once the equipment is in the venue, it takes our roadies 2 hours to set up. We can play background music (yours or ours) over the PA after about an hour, and the last 40 minutes is mainly onstage work (meaning we are out of the way of guests etc) and reasonably quiet (plugging in leads, not banging drums). We don't tend to do a full band soundcheck, about 10 mins of the odd 'one two' towards the end will usually do us.

How much do you charge?

It varies depending on your requirements; e.g. how far away the gig is, and what times you need us etc. Phone Hansel to discuss - 07961 255962

Can you DJ as well?

We can play music from our own collection of CDs or you can provide us with CDs to your taste or an iPod and we'll put music on before, in the break and after the show (venue and time permitting). If you’d prefer, we’re happy to work with a DJ - just tell him/her in advance that we’re coming!

Another act is booked for the same night. Can you share equipment?

We can accommodate other acts. If they want to use our PA this often involves us setting up earlier/breaking down later, so there could be a surcharge, depending on the circumstances. Please discuss this with us in advance. If you have another act and it would be easier if we used their equipment, again please contact us to arrange this in advance.

Do you do requests?

Yes - 'Happy Birthday'! If you want us to perform a song we don’t already know, ask us in advance so we can rehearse it - if it’s achievable and in character with our existing set, we’ll do it. If a member of your party wants to sing a song with us on stage, this can sometimes be arranged, but must be done so in advance.

Can we borrow a microphone?

If you have speeches, presentations, raffles, announcements etc, you're welcome to use our microphone - once we're set up. If you need it earlier on, we can't really help - it won't work until everything's plugged in.

Are you insured?

Yes, we have full public liability insurance. Details available on request.

Is your equipment PAT tested?

All our equipment is regularly tested and a certificate can be provided on request.

Do you need anything on the night?

If possible, we like a room to get changed and relax in before and between performing. Refreshments are always welcome.

Is there anything else we need to know?

Has the room got a noise limiter? We aren’t rock-band loud; however, some limiters are so sensitive they are activated by the drum kit alone, and we can’t turn that down. Check with the venue involved.

For mains power, we require TWO 13amp sockets. If this involves extension leads, say, to reach from a house to a marquee, we will need TWO extensions i.e. one from one socket in the house, and another extension from another socket. If you have any questions, just ask.
